Tune your Environment

Gabriel Ting
4 min readApr 4, 2024
Photo by Matthew Smith on Unsplash

Your Inner World is a Reflection of your Outer World

What you see and do is a reflection of who you are as a person.

You are the average of the 5 closest people around you!

People’s thoughts behaviors and ideas will influence you as a person, you may not notice it at first, but on a subconscious level they affect you. Surrounding yourself with people who believe in what you believe in and your ideas for what you do in life.

If people around you are negative, shut your ideas down, then most-likely you will also become negative, giving up on what was initial good idea. A jealous negative person might be the difference between a person becoming a billionaire and person working at a school lunch line….

Imagine a Flower that is planted in good soil with amazing fertilizer, that flower is going to grow extremely fast. On the other hand, imagine a flower planted on soil with other plants and some thorns. Those thorns will attach and kill a good crop.

Beware of the people and content that goes into your mind, the mind is a garden and what goes in gets planted.

Environment — Set Boundaries

When the environment is not suitable for an individual then individual must move on

  • Why would you want to spend time and energy with people who don’t see what you see…
  • You feel negative having people argue with you about a vision that they cannot see
  • It’s easier to be with people who understand you and feel good and energized through agreement and positivity than surrounding yourself with people who don’t see things eye to eye.

Make sure the people you surround with and the environment you are in focuses on what you want in life. If they do not see eye to eye with things and those things create conflict it is best to leave them.

You are in charge of your Life. What goes into your life is what you are willing to Tolerate in your life so be mindful of what is going in will lead to what goes out.

REMINDER: It takes 7 Positive things to counter 1 criticism

There are 7 billion people on this Earth, I promise you there will be many people that see and value you more.

You will always attract people who are like you no matter where you go in life so the question is are you willing to GO

When the Environment is clean and suitable that is when you will truly shine!! A Fish ability to climb a tree is inadequate, but a fishes ability to swim water is superb. Find your water, that means not fitting in to what everyone else is doing sometimes.

The internal determines the external so if you are in a environment that doesn’t fit you can leave it, trusting that everything will be okay

Why would you want to be some place where the environment does not highlight your gifts and talents in life or a place that is messy and dirty.

A environment that takes away from you and what you doing


Make a List of the 5 closest people in your life right now

See what you spend the most time in your day to day life doing:

  • What areas can be cleaned (House, Workplace, Desk, People)
  • Tell yourself that You are a New and Clean Person
  • Anything that doesn’t work and isn’t used is able to be let go
  • Give yourself a deadline to try to clean this environment up
  • If a co-worker isn’t doing well, point out what they are doing and what bugging you if they are unable to change work with them and see what change.
  • The only way to grow is through loving growth
  • Think of Everything as Value
  • If a person takes away your energy, or doesn’t give off productive value

Cutting off toxic people or having disorganized places in your home, workplace, and life leads to chaos and unease. Removing them let’s you have peace of mind!

A Clean Environment Leads to Clean Mind


In college, I joined a Fraternity… Partying on the weekends and doing a ton of things that hindered my growth in Life. Worrying about where the next party was instead of what I wanted to build. What I wanted was to make a 4.0 gpa, run a half-marathon, and graduate college early. Did those people help me get to those goals or hinder the things I wanted…

Giving up things that are fun in the moment leads to greater success later on like finishing a 4 year degree in 3 years!

Prioritize Yourself and what You want in Life. You are the star in the show in what you want to build and give back to this world. The people around you will change depending on what you align yourself towards.

