The 5 B’s that Make Billionaires

These are the secrets

Gabriel Ting
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Do you ever stop and wonder why there are millions of millionaires in the United States, but less than 1000 billionaires? What is the difference between the two groups of people if both have control of more than 99% of the money in the nation?

Both groups have made it in life, yet a separation still exists between the top 1% of the top.

Photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash

These are the secrets they possess:


Billionaires hold an unshakeable belief that they will become what they want in life. They want to make a certain amount of money; they proclaim it, talk about it with their friends. Their belief resonates so strongly it becomes truth, despite what others believe. Everyone might think they are crazy, but it is their truth.

In life, we all live by our truths, and we stand by what we believe in.

When you believe something to be true, the subconscious mind starts searching it out for you. Believing in your own success will help you talk like a billionaire, act like a billionaire, and make decisions like a billionaire.

You will go to what you believe to be true, and your belief becomes a destination.


One book is considered roughly 15 years of experience. Any top CEO billionaire spends a lot of time reading. When interviewing Elon Musk on how he knew so much about rockets, he mentioned that everything he learned was from reading books.

Bill Gates reads on average 50 books a year, and one of the greatest investors of all time, Warren Buffett, reads about 300–500 pages a day and several newspapers.

Reading is an act of civilization; it’s one of the greatest acts of civilization because it takes the free raw material of the mind and builds castles of possibilities.

— Ben Okri

Books are the building blocks for any business. Books contain answers to problems that other companies have faced in the past and what solutions they took to solve the problem.

Books provide a shortcut to a vast array of knowledge for building a business by offering cornerstones.


Billionaires build businesses, and businesses help create jobs for others. As companies grow, so does the money they earn. Many doctors and lawyers often have a fixed amount of money that they make, but for a business, it continues to scale over time.

Businesses are often considered high risk, high reward. Still, it comes down to a matter of problem-solving and overcoming obstacles, the mentality to never quit working and keep on climbing the mountain to the peak.

Businesses are all about long-term gratification, planting a seed; watering it every day, and then eventually it will bear fruit and become self-sustaining which takes many seasons, overcoming many storms/adversity.

Billionaires built their business on their personal belief of what they thought to be right to change the world and over time more and more will join to help the cause.


Billionaires have an insane work ethic and go to the end to make sure that they are achieving what they want in life.

Billionaires hold themselves to high standards and have very consistent behaviors, habits, and routines. Businesses sometimes take years to establish and fly under the radar. Look at any billionaire business. Each founder worked 80–100 hours a week while sleeping in their office to grow their business.

Warren Buffett eats McDonald’s every single morning. Bill Gates plans out each and every day into segments. Consistent routines and planning provide billionaires a basis to stick to the goals they set.


Billionaires build a brand around themselves, ignoring passing trends. Branding results in a product that fits their personal needs and not the needs of others.

A strong belief in their personal brand provides a framework for their goals, product development, and personal life. The brand’s accessibility and message enables billionaires to bring others to support the brand and guide others like a shepherd guiding sheep.

Branding campaigns dictate the future pathway to growth, shaping how billionaires will react to modern advances in the world.

