Learn to Embrace your Inner Child
Things do not change as we age
Food for thought: As we age into any state of life nothing really changes in our lives. The food taste better and gets more expensive to eat, the cars go faster and cost more expensive, and the houses we leave in get bigger and more luxurious.
In elementary school each year we had sports competition and there was a talent show. Look at today’s world, the sports competitions have gotten bigger “Olympics” and talents shows are America’s Got Talent or The Voice. Nothing has really changed since childhood so what do we need to focus on?
Back to Basics
We get good at what we repetitively do. Often times in life people ty to over complicate things to the point where they are lost on what to improve. When focusing on the basics is what we need to return to if we get lost and jeer off the road.
Think in terms of when we first started as a child. No one told us who were were as a child, we did what interested up and peaked our curiosity.
Often times, society places so much values/norms on humans to behave or act a certain way that we lose ourselves trying to become someone else.
Onion Analogy
Imagine for a second that our childhood, truest and purest self was the center of a onion. Over the years we have BELIEFS instilled upon us from society, parents, and the environment like a onion has layers. As we learn to shed off these layers that were from others individuals we find our true self. The self that is curious and always willing to learn. A self that has no negative self talk, a self that goes out and gets things done because its fun.
As we age in life we forget the basics and get caught up by the great vastness of the big grownup toys, when in reality we are still children.
Although we are not playing with Legos, Barbie's, and Hot Wheels anymore. We are playing with the grownup version of those things where we need one important thing.
Let’s close with food for thought again: as children we were wild eyed and had all the potential in the world because we could imagine and see ourselves in that place.
What happened to that? Society and life happened, but that negative belief that it would not happened came from what society deemed was possible or what did you quit believing and dreaming?
We often get swayed by other individuals that we do not chase what we want in life anymore.
I believe that anything is possible if we put our minds to it, no one would have thought 20 years ago we would have self driving cars or phones that were as powerful as a computer fit inside our pocket.
If it can exist in our imagination then it can exist in our reality/physical world. We are what we believe in so believe in yourself and listen to what you want. Our inner being after shedding all the layers will give you what you desire most in life.
I wish you all the very best on the journey of life to change the world!