Hidden Truth: What Society is Keeping from you
Society is trying to keep your Spirit Asleep
Society… Televsion… Social Media… Life… Work…
What does it all mean?
The idea of being a cog in a company for the next 40 years of my life doing the same thing for a boss that barely knows my name scared the living shit out of me.
Recently graduating college, I wondered was the corporate life really for me? What is the meaning of life and what does it all mean.
I started searching and searching and eventually ended up in Korea to do some Seoul Searching
The journey lead me towards Spiritually and Self-development
As you grow spiritually, you will understand your life purpose
Our lives currently like it or not is constantly social engineered by everything around us. There are so many things in the modern day and age that is distracting us from what we are meant to do in this life.
Due to the many comforts in life where everything can be found or ordered with only one click of a button on a smart phone, the need to actually go out and do work has become absolute.
The development and rise of mental illness is the number one problem nowadays. The reason for this is because that all our basic and psychological necessities are met according to Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs.
Society providing all the comforts of life is distracting us from our real purpose in life.
The VOID that everyone tries to fill with drugs, alcohol, sex, social media, and etc….
That Pit in the Stomach is our spirit crying out to us that something needs to change in our life and by burying that feeling with some sort of external validation we are unable to live to our true potential.
These things that people find relief in is a marketing play attacking our neurotransmitters in our brains.
Dopamine is a feel good neurotransmitter that after accomplishment gives you a sense of satisfaction. Today, the artificial stimuli such as watching Netflix, drinking Alchohol, and drugs burn through those Neurotransmitters affecting our attention span and concentration on our life purpose.
The next day, we feel gross and icky and its a endless cycle of pain.
We were not born to be in pain and find pleasure that ends up in pain.
Our life purpose revolves around something we love to do for hours and hours and time does not matter at the point. There is no pain in doing it and waking up the next day to do it because you love it is the life goal.
There is no need to use artificial stimuli to distract us from our jobs.
Youtube, Facebook, Instagram are marketing ploys that are tailored to a person’s experience in order to keep people trapped on their site for hours.
Yes, I’m also guilty
I watch one facebook video and the next thing I know a hour has gone by and nothing was much less achieved.
Social Media is meant to keep us locked in because the more time we spend not being productive and looking at stuff that distracts our time. The more others are moving ahead with their passion in life feeding you this content.
The reason the RICH GET RICHER and the Poor Stay Poor is a sense of sacrifice and chasing dreams. The rich chase their dreams and do their dreams every single day of their life. They love what they do and it provides them freedom. They do not do their job because of the money or the pay, they do it to help educate the users.
The people who are considered poor are the consumers who get “SUCKERED” into buying into every little thing.
Life comes down to belief and faith. What we believe shapes who we are, what we attract, and who we want to be.
In order to Wake up to your true Self and stop the RAT RACE we have to get off the never ending cycle and explore the outside world.